Planes para Noviembre

November Plans

Este mes de Noviembre mi plan es pintar otra matriz de Planetary Empires de esta manera ya tendre el 60% del kit pintado, empezar con el pintado de las motos para marines que compre de segunda mano pintado 3 de ellas y he comprado una figura de Be'lakor para finalizar el mes, espero poder hacer un tutorial sobre el pintado de este ultimo. Gracias por vuestra visita.

My plans for November are to paint another sprue of the Planetary Empires, start painting the bikes by doing three of them, as you can see in the pictures they were bought in second hand market so I will repaint them to my army color scheme, an will ffinalizethe month by painting Be'lakor and doing a tutorial. I just purchase this miniature so I am expecting to receive it beginning of next week. Thanks for your visit.


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