Lista 1850 Puntos Eldar Oscuros

1850 points Dark Eldar Army List

Después de hacer la revisión del codex he hecho un par de listas a 1850 puntos. La primera esta basada en usar la miniaturas que tengo disponibles sin hacer ninguna compra. La segunda lista podria ser una posible evolución de la primera. Si quereis conocer mas detalles los encontrareis en el video. Sino la lista la podéis ver mas abajo.

This is my first video related to army build. I did this one because I was asked how I would do a 1850 points army after doing the Dark Eldar review. I wanted to do a video because in that way I can explain the rational behind the units selection and functionality on the battlefield. In theI video you will see that I go through different lists one using the minitures that I have without purchasing any thing and the second potential evolution of the army. If you find this video interesting and you want to see more, please let me know. You can find the list in the sliders below.


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