WIP: Fortaleza de Redencion

WIP: Redeption Fortress

Ya hace bastante que este kit de terreno esta entre las cosas pendientes de montar y pintar asi que me he puesto manos a la obra. Hacer terreno no es una de mis partes favoritas del hobby pero he de decir que se agradece mucho cunado juegas en una mesa con terreno pintado. De momento he empezado haciendo la torre principal de la Fortaleza.

This kit have been for long in my items pending of being painted. When it comes to terrain I am quite lazy as it is not my favorite part of the hobby and I end up painting miniatures. On the other side I love to play in a battle field with painted terrain sets, so I shake my laziness and I started assembling and painting the Fortress, I started with the main tower, as it can be used as a single element of terrain.


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