Este es le cuarto Razorback que he añadido a mi ejercito de Marines llamados Vigilant Angels. Comprado de segunda mano en e-Bay y repintado completamente, con algunos añadidos. Siempre me ha gustad mas la versión anterior del Razorback ya que creo que tiene mas personalidad. Como todo mi ejercito he seguido un pintado limpio y después he añadido un poco de suciedad en las partes bajas in en las salidas de los tubos de escape. Y sin mas dilación os dejo con el vídeo y unas fotos.
This is the 4th Razorback added to my army. I bought it painted in e-Bay, it was waiting to be painted for some time and finally added to the army. I love the previous Razorback design. As the rest of my army I prefer to do a clean painting with some dirt at at the bottom. and Now enjoy the video and the pictures.
La fotos con sus colegas
This is the 4th Razorback added to my army. I bought it painted in e-Bay, it was waiting to be painted for some time and finally added to the army. I love the previous Razorback design. As the rest of my army I prefer to do a clean painting with some dirt at at the bottom. and Now enjoy the video and the pictures.
La fotos con sus colegas
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