Beast Pack Dark Eldar
Mi ultima adición a mi ejercito de la Cabala Crimson Shadow es una escuadra de bestias. La unidad esta compuesta por do Señores de las Bestias , una bestia Garrapoda y 5 Kymeras. Uno de los señores de las bestias lo he hecho adaptado una Hekatrix de la edición anterior montada en un aero-patín. 4 de las 5 Kymeras los he hecho adaptando las bestias de la edición anterior.
My last addition to my Crimson Shadow Cabalyte is a beast pack unit. The unit is composed by 2 Beast Masters, one Clawed Fiend and 5 Khymerae. One of the Besmasters is an adaptation of an Hekatrix of previous edition using bits from Hellions. 4 of the 5 Khymeraes are beasts from previous edition adapted with bits from the Tyranids, Chaos Spawn and green stuff.
My last addition to my Crimson Shadow Cabalyte is a beast pack unit. The unit is composed by 2 Beast Masters, one Clawed Fiend and 5 Khymerae. One of the Besmasters is an adaptation of an Hekatrix of previous edition using bits from Hellions. 4 of the 5 Khymeraes are beasts from previous edition adapted with bits from the Tyranids, Chaos Spawn and green stuff.
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