
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2012

Mastin o engendro?

Flesh hound or Spawn? Hace tiempo me hice con la figura del Cancerbero de Avatars of War pero no la he pintado hasta esta semana, en principio la tenia pensada para ampliar el numero de mis mastines de Khorne pero viendo su tamaño y que he necesitado usar la peana grande de 60mm estoy pensando que quizás podría usarlo como engendro del caos con marca de Khorne. Así que os dejo la pregunta al aire: Como creeis que encaja mas como Mastin de Khorne o como Engendro del Caos con marca de khorne? Some time ago I bought the Netherhound of Avatars of War game. But I just painted it during this week. My first intention was to use it as a Flesh Hound but after assembling it and realizing that I need a big base to fit it (I did not want to use square base) I am thinking to use it as Spawn of Chaos with Khorn Mark. Here comes my question: What do you think it fits best, as a Flesh Hound or as a Khorne Spawn?

Mastines de Khorne

Flesh Hounds Esta vez os presento una unidad de 5 mastines de Khorne que he pintado para mi ejercito de Demonios, aumentando el numero de servidores para el Dios de la Sangre. Ya hace tiempo que pinte a Karanak, para poderlos añadir a esta escuadra. This time I want to present a unit of 5 Flesh Hounds painted to increase my Daemons army. This means more servers for the God of the Blood. As well I painted Karanak some time ago and he will be added to this squad.

Land Speeder Tornado Segunda Edicion

Second edition Tornado Land Speeder Comprado de segunda mano en eBay este y repintado con el esquema de mi ejercito este Land Speeder pasa a formar parte de mi flota de Speeders. En este caso se trata del modelo Tornado cañón de asalto y Bolter Pesado sacada durante la segunda edición. Siempre me había gustado este modelo que es completamente de metal y más pequeño que sus hermanos actuales. Como en mi ejercito de Marines siempre me planteé usar varios Land Speeders pense qeu usar modelos actuales y de segunda edición era una manera dar variedad. I bought this Land Speeder in eBay , it was used and I had to repaint with the scheme  of my army . And now it is part of my fleet Speeders . In this case it is the Tornado model with assault cannon and heavy bolter from the second edition . I always liked this model it is made metal and is smaller than its actual brothers but much heavier . I think this was a good way to add variety to my Army that was planned to h...

Regimiento de Veneganh

Veneganh regiment Aquí os dejo las fotos de mi Regimiento de Veneganh al completo. El ejercito contiene lo siguiente: Here you will find pictures of the Veneganh Regiment. The army is composed by: HQ - Command Squad (completa): Company commander (plasma pistol, power fist), Regiment Standard Bearer Doctor, Voxcaster, Melta, Astropath, Officer of the Fleet, Barrage Officer, 2 Body Guards - Techpriest Troops - Platoon Command Squad: Platoon comander, Voxcaster, Heavy Flamer, Flamer, Company standard - Squad: plasma pistol, commissar, voxcaster, flamer - Squad: voxcaster, flamer - Special weapon squad 3 snipers - Special weapon squad 3 demolition charges - 2 heavy support weapons squad 3 missile launchers -  Platoon Command Squad: Platoon comander, Voxcaster, 2 melta, Company standard - Squad: voxcaster, plasma, missile launcher - Squad: voxcaster, sniper, missile launcher - Veteran squad: Harke Sargent 3 melta - Veteran squad: grenade launcher, plasma, melta Fa...

Escuadra de Guardias femeninas

Femenine Guard Squad Para añadir variedad a mi ejercito de Guardia imperial (Regimiento de Veneganh) he pintado esta escuadra femenina. Como en el caso de la escuadra de mando las minis han sido esculpidas  y moldeadas por Blue Table Painting. Las armas utilizadas en la mayoría de los casos son de la Games Workshop.Con esto termino de pintar el grueso de este ejercito To add variety to my Imperial Guard army ( Veneganh Regiment ) I painted this femenine squad. As in the case of the Command Squad miniatures have been sculpted and moulded by Blue Table Painting . The weapons used in the majority of cases are of Games Workshop .With that squad I finished in painting the main part of this army.