Prospero Burns
Me acabo de acabar (valga la redundancia) el libro Propero Burns una nueva entrega de la saga la Herejia de Horus. Un libro centrado en los Lobos Esapciales de la Pre-herejía. Es de lectura obligada para los seguidores del Rey Lobo así como aquellos que quieran saber mas como los que quieran ver un nuevo punto de vista de como fue el asalto a Propero y como lo afronto Leman Russ. Es un libro que esta bien pero para mi no es de los mejores de Dan Abnett en algunos momentos se me hizo un poco lento. Aunque hay que reconocer que da un descripciones muy detallas que te ayudan a meterte dentro de la historia. no explico mas porque no quiero desvelar nada del libro. Por favor espero ver vuestras opiniones del libro y así poder compartir diferentes opiniones.
I just finished (pun intended) the book Propero Burns a new book about the Horus Heresy. The story is centered in the Space Wolves Legion in the pre-heresy period. It is essential reading for fans of the Wolf King and those who want to know more about the assault of Prospero, in this book you will see the point of view of Leman Russ. The novel is ok but I think is not the best of Dan Abnett. Nevertheless detailed descriptions are helping you to get inside the story. I will not explain more because I will not want to spoiler anything about the book. Please leave your opinion of the book so we can share different opinions.
I just finished (pun intended) the book Propero Burns a new book about the Horus Heresy. The story is centered in the Space Wolves Legion in the pre-heresy period. It is essential reading for fans of the Wolf King and those who want to know more about the assault of Prospero, in this book you will see the point of view of Leman Russ. The novel is ok but I think is not the best of Dan Abnett. Nevertheless detailed descriptions are helping you to get inside the story. I will not explain more because I will not want to spoiler anything about the book. Please leave your opinion of the book so we can share different opinions.
Pues nada, el resto esperamos cuatro dias a que salga el libro en castellano xD.
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