Torneo The Green knight 40K

El sábado 20 de Agosto se celebro el Torneo The Green Knight 40k en Brugge (Brujas en castellano), en el cual participe con mi ejercito de Eldars Oscuros. El torneo era a 1500pts y la lista que utilice para el torneo es la siguiente: On Saturday August 20 th The 40K Green Knight Tournament took place on in Brugge , where I participate with my Dark Eldar army . The tournament was at 1500pts and I used the next Darl Eldar list in the tournament : HQ Archon + Agonizer + shadow Field + haywire Grenades 115 Succubus + Agonizer + Blaster pistol + haywire Grenades 105 Troops 10 Kabalyte warriors + Dark Lance 115 10 Kabalyte warriors + Dark Lance 115 10 Kabalyte warriors + Splinter canon 100 10 Kabalyte warriors + Splinter canon 100 7 Wyches + Hayware Grenade + Hekatrix + Agonizer Transport: Raider + Flikering Field 6 Wyches + Hayware Grenade + Hekatrix + Agonizer Elite 4 Incubis + 1 Klavex Transport: ...